Division of Graduate Studies

Graduate Faculty Status Committee
The purposes of the Graduate Faculty Status Commitee are to:
- to review applications for Graduate Faculty Status, and,
- to recommend approval of new members of the Graduate Faculty to the Graduate Council.
The Graduate Faculty Status committee consists of one representative from each college at the University.
The officers of the Committee shall consist of a chairperson and a secretary, both of whom are to be elected by the membership of the Committee for a one year term.
The committee meets once in the following months: February, April, October and November. Special meetings of the committee may be called by the chairman, the committee or the Graduate School Dean. Applications for graduate faculty status must be received in the Graduate School by the first Monday of each month.
The Graduate Faculty Status Committee shall report to the Graduate Council. Minutes of the meeting shall be kept as part of the official records of the committee. Copies shall be presented to the Graduate Council and the Graduate Dean.
The Graduate Faculty consists of the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the academic deans and those members of the general faculty who by their scholarly attainments in their own fields of specialization have demonstrated their competence to offer graduate instruction.
The purpose and functions of the Graduate Faculty, within limits established by the Board of Trustees, are to offer graduate courses, supervise thesis and dissertation research, and advise the Graduate Council and the Graduate Dean on the establishment of policies relating to graduate training.
The major advisory functions of the Graduate Faculty are carried on by committees appointed by the Graduate Dean. Appointment to the Graduate Faculty is made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs upon the recommendation of the Graduate Council and, with the approval of the Graduate Dean.
Criteria for Graduate Faculty Status
Graduate Faculty Status Application (rev 10/2017)
Graduate Faculty Status INSTRUCTIONS (rev 10/2017)
Checklist for Applicants (PDF)
Important Dates
Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at Jackson State University. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.