“The Aristocrats program has taught me about time management, and how to transition from high school to college.”
Aristocrat Member
THEE Aristocrats STEM and Health Sciences Program provides academically talented students the chance to learn how to manage the academic load as a STEM major beginning in the summer before their first Fall semester. Before students are enrolled into the Summer Courses (based off of their majors), they are required to attend a two week (in person) S.T.E.M. Summer Boot Camp to prepare them for the rigor of collegiate learning. In the first week, students will focus on how they learn and different strategies to help them matriculate successfully throughout the years to come. In the second week, students will complete research based rounds in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc. to explore the different areas of research that Jackson State has to offer. We believe this will help jump start each student’s educational goals, allow students to meet faculty and staff members that they will work with while they matriculate at JSU, and unlock resources before other students return to campus. After students successfully complete the two week STEM Boot Camp, they will take college credit courses (June – July). The Aristocrats program will provide financial assistance for the Summer college credit courses, books, room and board. The cohort of students will be inundated with follow up meetings to make sure they are successful throughout their time at JSU.
This program does not end after the students finish summer school. The Aristocrat team will facilitate webinars, meetings based on their majors, soft skills, leadership skills, and workforce training throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. We will also help the students get internship opportunities. We look forward to working with faculty in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology to help students be successful within and outside of the classroom. The Aristocrat S.T.E.M. Success Coach and I will reach out to each student, weekly, to make sure they are on track for success.
“Through the Aristrocrats program, I have learned more about myself. I know more about the capabilities I possess, and I feel much more confident.”
Aristocrat Member
After the Summer Boot Camp is successfully completed, the Aristocrats program will provide students with the following:

College Credit Courses
Students will be provided the opportunity to take college credit courses during the summer.

Instructional Material
Students will be provided books and access code to accompany their summer courses.

Housing Amenities
Students will be provided room and board while completing summer courses.

Educational Experiences
Student will gains hands on experiences and travel to explore various STEM careers.
Financial Assistance for the students chosen to be an Aristocrat will take place ONLY during the Summer.
Educational Experiences may take place during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
- Must be a US Citizen
- Desire to major in a S.T.E.M. or Health Sciences Field.
- Incoming freshman or transfer student from a Community College.
- Willing to attend the two week STEM Summer Bootcamp
- Will attend JSU during the upcoming Fall Semester.
- Will have a 2.75 or above GPA upon graduation (Spring).

Noel Gardner, PhD.

Roderick McDowell
STEM Success Coach
Greetings Tigers!
We are excited to invite you to join Thee Aristocrats STEM and Health Sciences program! We are so glad you decided to choose JSU as your college home! I am excited for the future of THEE Aristocrats program. We have so many plans for the Aristocrat students! Becoming an Aristocrat gives students a chance to experience JSU Campus life before others. You get a chance to network with like minded individuals and understand how to utilize the knowledge shared. I am excited to see you soar higher, dig deeper and expand your mind here at JSU. Your future here will be challenging, but will be well worth it! If you are interested in the Aristocrats program, fill out the pre-app and an Aristocrat Team Member will contact you soon!
Noel Gardner, PhD.
If you are a scholar in need of a community oriented program which provides wrap around support;
look no more! Aristocrats is where you want to be!